Hi Folks, almost the weekend now. I don’t know about you but I’m really looking forward to it as we’re heading off to Hyde Park for our annual family trip to Winter Wonderland. If you’ve never been before, it’s a lovely day out….bloomin’ expensive, but really good fun if you go with the expectation of not having a cheap day.

Anyway, today I thought I’d point out a little freebie I spotted in the Apple Store app last night. It seems that Apple are, at least for now, giving away a Photo Cookbook app (normally £2.49). You’ll need to download the Apple Store app if you don’t already have it (see below) and scroll down in the Gifts tab (towards the bottom of the screen). From what I can gather after a bit of research, they’re giving away some Christmas music in the US version of the app, so I don’t know if our offer will change over the next few weeks; one to look out for. I haven’t had chance to check the app out yet, but thought I’d let you know before it becomes unavailable. You can always delete it if it’s no use to you!

While we’re on the subject of free stuff from Apple….they normally give away 12 products (apps, books, TV shows, music etc) in their 12 Days Of Christmas app, so keep your eyes out for that coming up soon; I’l post more when I hear more.
Tomorrow will see our first Product Feature Friday, where I’ll be showing off one of my most used apps on the iPad; Flipboard. The good news is that it’s another free product, so well worth a look even if you don’t see the appeal initially.

Have a great day, and as always, please drop me an email at info@chno.co.uk if I can help you with anything.