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Quick Update on Apple Announcements 22/10/13

Morning all

Last night we had a 90 min presentation from Apple on their updated products, and we tweeted throughout as we heard the announcement. Without wishing to rehash news that’s elsewhere, here’s a really quick summary:

Mavericks has been released (it’s free)
MacBook Pro’s have been updated immediately (they’re better and cheaper)
Mac Pro confirmed for release in December (much faster, but more expensive that previous generation)
iPad has been renamed iPad Air (faster, lighter, thinner). Available in higher capacity. Ships November.
iPad mini has been updated to a retina screen (old model still available, new model more expensive). Available in higher capacity. Ships November.
Virtually every bit of Apple Software has been upgraded (and all but the Pro apps such as Aperture, Final Cut and Logic is now free).

Lots of great news, and as we get to spend a bit of time with everything over the coming days we’ll give you more information (follow our twitter stream for immediate comments). If you have any questions, comments or sales queries on the above, please get in touch.

Have a great day!



On Storage, Backups, Announcements and More

Morning all

After a brief conversation with Glyn Dewis last week, I thought it would be a good idea to put together some information/advice on backing up and general data storage strategies. A lot of this advice will be aimed at the independent photographer’s out there using Macs for their business, but equally, much of what I’ll be saying will apply to other home and business users. I’m putting the finishing touches to the first of these today for publication tomorrow, and would like to ask that you share them with as many people as possible. As a long-time support guy, I’ve seen too many people with no idea about backups and storage that have lost all their personal data. While it might not seem that relevant to the average home user who does a bit of email, Internet browsing, word processing etc. try to imagine losing every photo that is on your computer, forever. With a small investment, and very little effort, most users can protect themselves against this, and I’ll show you how tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Announcement day of course, and I’m looking forward to seeing what Apple will be showing off. I expect updated iPads and notebooks (Apple don’t call them laptops by the way – they get too hot to put on your lap and we wouldn’t want any lawsuits would we?), but I have a feeling there may be at least one new device. There’s talk of larger iPads (I can see that happening, but not this time), the iWatch (possible, but I’m not sure Apple are ready to enter this market just yet) and the much talked about TV (I think there’ll be something on this tomorrow, perhaps not the expected […]

New Products Imminent, and Webstore Update

Well, finally after waiting for several weeks, the invites for the next Apple announcement have come out. The press are expecting updates to most of the range (iPad, iPad mini, MacBook Pro, Mac mini) as well as a release date for OS X 10.9 Mavericks, but quite frankly we’ll settle for iPad! The announcement is set for next Tuesday, October 22nd, and we’ll update you on the day with as much information as we can.

Apologies for the lack of updates recently, but we’ve been working hard with clients on projects as well as spending a lot of time developing new features for the Web site. Coming soon, we will be opening up our own webstore, where we’ll be selling a range of products that we recommend to our clients. That’s all going on in the background, and as soon as we’re in a position to open the store with an initial range of products we’ll let you know.


Weekly News Round Up 30/8/13

iPhone Announcements Imminent
After months of speculation, it looks like an announcement for the forthcoming 7th generation iPhone is imminent. No dates have been confirmed yet, but many industry insiders are predicting September 10th as the day announcements will be made, with availability probably 7-14 days later. It is widely expected that the new phone will look similar to the previous generation iPhone 5, with the addition of a fingerprint sensor, improved processor, better camera and dual LED flashes. There is also a huge amount of speculation that Apple will be expanding the colour range of the new model, to include gold/champagne along with the black and white models we’re used to. Further rumours include the possibility of a lower-cost model (which may be limited to certain countries) sporting a plastic shell and there is the slightest chance that iPad models will be announced at the same event.

Of course it goes without saying that iOS 7 is expected to release along with the new phones, promising many usability updates and a much commented on new look.

If the expected date of 10th September is true, we expect to see press coverage from invited journalists from around the 3rd of the month, so we’ll keep our eyes peeled for updates.

SimCity for Mac Finally Launches
Delayed by six months, the Mac release of SimCity is finally available. This is the first release of a new SimCity game for the Mac since 2003, and the gameplay has changed significantly. For the first time, users are required to have Internet connectivity to play the game, as it involves regional play where cities being controlled by multiple players are able to share resources and citizens, doing business together to enable their own cities to […]

New Mac Pro Coming Soon

Way back at WWDC in June, Apple finally announced that the next generation of Mac Pro would be coming in ‘the fall of 2013’. Well, fall’s nearly here and gossip is starting to spread that the release is imminent (possibly as early as mid-September).

What can we expect?

Well, the naysayers think its a marginal upgrade, but we think this is a radical reworking of the Pro computer. Recent experience has shown us that no longer are we held back (as much) by CPU speeds – our machines are struggling to keep up with huge quantities of data being pumped around them by hungry applications working on huge files like high resolution images and HD video. The trend has begun for SSD to become the norm, but that in itself raises serious heat and power dilemmas for the engineers building these machines. The old Mac Pro was big and heavy (to allow heat dissipation from multiple spinning hard drives and high-rated power supplies). The move to SSD allowed engineers to look at new architectures to reduce the size of the machine, whilst at the same time increasing the performance. As always with Apple, we can expect a beautifully designed, manufactured and packaged machine (probably at a premium price), despite the obvious comparisons to a recycling bin!

Time will tell on whether this new Mac Pro will be a sign of things to come in terms of desktop design. But we can’t wait to get our hands on one to see how well they perform in comparison to the current top end machines.