A couple of weeks ago I was looking for a solution to a problem I had with a repetitive task that I wanted to speed up or automate. At the time I figured tha Keyboard Maestro from Stairways Software would be worth a trial, and as luck would have it, the app was part of an offer from MacTrast (ends 27/8/14) so I picked it up.
Now as it happens, I wasn’t able to get the app to do what I wanted it in a reasonable timeframe (I’m sure that I ultimately could get it to do what I wanted but it wouldn’t be an efficient use of my time). But while researching how to do things I came up across a really useful thing that I’ve now got Keyboard Maestro doing for me.
Whether visiting clients or in my own office I usually have different apps or documents open, or I’ll have my machine configured slightly differently, based on where I am. For example, when I’m on one particular site I’ll have a Windows 7 virtual machine open so I can work on the clients Sage system.
The way I use Keyboard Maestro to do that is quite simple. The software allows me to set up triggers to carry out actions (and the list of actions possible is amazingly diverse). Triggers can be things like keyboard shortcuts (Cmd-Shift-Option-Z for example), a tyoed string of characters, a particular device being connected to your computer, or in the case of my Sage using client, a particular wireless network being joined. So Keyboard Maestro sits in the background, and as soon as it sees that I’ve joined the client’s wireless network, it starts up my VMWare program and loads the appropriate virtual machine (as well […]