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PFF: Flipboard

Hi Folks, welcome to my first Product Feature Friday.

It’s been a challenge putting this video together! The experience of getting this one published has given me a huge amount of respect for the people who do this kind of thing on a regular basis (Glyn Dewis being a friend who inspired me to have a go at this kind of thing). Not only there are a lot of new skills to learn technically to put together the kind of video I’m happy with, there’s also an art to speaking on video (and quite frankly, I’m not a natural!). However, it gives me great pleasure to publish the first video today, and I’m looking forward to the next one having learnt so much about my own workflow doing this one.

Have a great weekend, and as usual, if you have any comments or questions please drop me an email at info@chno.co.uk, via the comments below or on the contact page.


Apple Store App Giving Away Free Christmas Downloads?

Hi Folks, almost the weekend now. I don’t know about you but I’m really looking forward to it as we’re heading off to Hyde Park for our annual family trip to Winter Wonderland. If you’ve never been before, it’s a lovely day out….bloomin’ expensive, but really good fun if you go with the expectation of not having a cheap day.

Anyway, today I thought I’d point out a little freebie I spotted in the Apple Store app last night. It seems that Apple are, at least for now, giving away a Photo Cookbook app (normally £2.49). You’ll need to download the Apple Store app if you don’t already have it (see below) and scroll down in the Gifts tab (towards the bottom of the screen). From what I can gather after a bit of research, they’re giving away some Christmas music in the US version of the app, so I don’t know if our offer will change over the next few weeks; one to look out for. I haven’t had chance to check the app out yet, but thought I’d let you know before it becomes unavailable. You can always delete it if it’s no use to you!

While we’re on the subject of free stuff from Apple….they normally give away 12 products (apps, books, TV shows, music etc) in their 12 Days Of Christmas app, so keep your eyes out for that coming up soon; I’l post more when I hear more.
Tomorrow will see our first Product Feature Friday, where I’ll be showing off one of my most used apps on the iPad; Flipboard. The good news is that it’s another free product, so well worth a look even if you don’t see the appeal […]

Which Way Tom Tom?

Morning all

Early start for me today as Wednesday is my BNI networking morning; fortunately early starts are not something I worry too much about unlike some!

I’ve done a fair bit of driving this week, and it reminded me how great it is to have TomTom on my iPhone for directing me from client to client. It also prompted me to remember some of the GPS app purchases I made previously. Don’t make the same mistakes as me! TomTom is not the cheapest navigation app out there, but it is, in my humble opinion, the best by far. I was always put off by the price, and bought competitors products because they were much more ‘affordable’. But after several “incidents”, I finally bit the bullet and replaced them with TomTom one day on holiday in Florida when the competitor app took me 15 miles away from my intended destination (in my defence, I was tired and I have a trusting nature). That was about three years ago, and despite retrying some of the (updated) other apps again, nothing (including the free Waze) comes close to the accuracy and ease of use of TomTom.

Anyway, have a great day, got to dash!

Five More Tools I’d Struggle Without

Looking back on my article on 5 Tools I’d Struggle Without, whilst I was planning it I struggled to find 5 things to write about. Yet almost as soon as I’d committed it for posting, I came up with another 5 products I use all the time as part of my daily routine. So, focussing on how I work, I tried to list all the little tools I’d acquired over the years and write about those that I continue to use on a frequent basis. I think that most of these bits of software have come from personal recommendations from friends, colleagues (past and present), different podcasts I listen to and articles that I’ve read on a multitude of sources across the web. Of course, there are many many more that have been tried and subsequently forgotten, removed or replaced by something better. That’s why this second batch are possibly better, because they didn’t stand out as tools any more, because, at least in my eyes, they’ve become almost a ubiquitous part of the Mac or iOS experience.
1Password (Mac & iOS, various prices)


We all hate having to remember passwords right? Historically we’ve tended to use the same one or two passwords across all our online accounts (often the same word with an ever-increasing number at the end when we’re forced to change it). But with frequent news reports of Web sites being hacked it’s become more obvious to most people that we shouldn’t use the same password for all our different accounts, especially those that are linked in some way to our financial information. But now that virtually all of us are doing 50% or more of our shopping online, from a huge number of different Web […]

Five Tools I’d Hate to be Without

There’s something cathartic in sharing your experience of great products and services – especially if you can help someone find the thing that makes life just a little bit better or easier for them.

That’s the precise reason why I love telling everyone about some of the great products we find at CHNO; occasionally we find something that really resonates with people that they hadn’t heard of before, and it’s one of the really satisfying parts of the job that we do here.

So today I want to share with you five tools that I use personally that I’d struggle to cope without. Not every tool works for everyone, and some will take some use to see the benefit. But please take a look at them, and let us know if any of them have been useful.

EDIT: Since I wrote this article, I suddenly became acutely aware of a couple of other tools I use all the time, so I’ll do a second post on the same subject early next week.
1)   Evernote (Mac, iOS, Free with paid Premium accounts)

Best described as a digital scrapbook, Evernote is a repository for just about any digital media you have that you want to refer back to. The great part about it is that it indexes everything you add to it.  With our work, every time we find a fix to problem, we’ll either document it and add it tour company notebook, or we’ll add the link from the web straight in. Evernote then indexes the stuff we’ve captured and makes it really easy to find information later.

If I’m reading articles on my iPad using Flipboard or any other app, and its an article I think I may want to […]