01923 555048|info@chno.co.uk

Announcing WordPress Hosting

You may well be aware of our email hosting service that has been a large part of our business for some time, but until recently we’ve never really spent any time on hosting Web sites for bloggers and small businesses.

We never anticipated getting into hosting sites in a big way, but over our first year we added a couple of sites to our systems and it’s grown from there pretty quickly.

Now, we’re looking to continue expanding this service, so if there’s anyone you know who has their own Web site, or would like to have one, please do have them speak with us.

We can host just about any site you need, but today I wanted to focus on WordPress hosting.

WordPress is often seen as the bloggers choice of web hosting, because that’s originally what it was created for. But over the years of development since its 2003 launch, more and more features have been added, turning it into a full solution for personal and business Web sites.

Now WordPress is a fully fledged Content Management System (CMS) that is perfect for individuals and small/medium businesses to create a unique Web site that they can continue to add to really easily over time. Our site is based on WordPress (we’re working on a revised version which we hope to reveal in the summer), and adding blog posts like this are as easy as pie (other than thinking of the words….).

Of course there are other places you can host WordPress (even with the developers of the system), but what you won’t get is the personal support CHNO offer.

We can be as proactive as you need. For instance, we’re working with one client right now who has a good idea how they want their Web […]

On average, 60% of the email we receive is SPAM

Yes, that’s true. It’s not an exaggerated headline to get more attention. On average, 60% of the email that is sent to the domains we look after is unwanted, unsafe and sometimes plain dangerous. Fear not though, if you are using any of our advanced email packages, you’re safe.

This morning I was running some through reports to see how our email systems were performing and I was staggered to see the volumes of email that were being received, but more noticeably the percentage of that which is being blocked. We look after a number of email domains for our clients ranging from single person organisations up to twenty  or more people (we’re capable of handling much larger if needed!), and as part of that service we also offer an advanced spam filter.

This filter looks at the header of each received email for warning signs of spam and compares it to many of the well known email blacklists (several organisations monitor for computers that are known to be sending spam emails and list them for people to check against). It also runs through two different virus scanning systems before deciding whether to allow the email to pass through to the expected recipient. This is all done in milliseconds, therefore no delay is noticeable.

At the end of each day, every subscriber gets a report showing all the emails that have not been passed (called a quarantine report) which allows them to ‘release’ any held up email or whitelist a sender that will prevent future emails being quarantined from that sender. It won’t show every mail, just the questionable ones – if it’s a cast iron certainty that the mail is spam, you’ll never see it or even know […]

By |November 26th, 2014|Services|0 Comments

Recovering data from that old hard drive

Today I wanted to mention briefly our data recovery service. Several times recently I’ve comes across clients who have had failed machines with important information on them. Obviously I slapped their wrists for not backing the information up before taking a look to see what we could do, and typically they fall into one of three different scenarios.

For each problem, there’s a different kind of fix, but I just wanted to give you an indication of what can and can’t be done should you ever find yourself in that uncomfortable position.
Failed computer, hard drive is fine
One of the most common problems on any computer is a failed power supply. When this happens people can incorrectly assume that their data is lost forever, but we can quite often get to their information so long as the hard drive isn’t also damaged. We can usually take the drive out of the machine and recover the users information to their new machine, or put it into an external case if required.
Corrupt hard drive
Hard drives begin to fail eventually (average lifetimes for different drive manufacturers can be seen here), and unfortunately too few people know how to check their drives for errors (start Disk Utility and select your hard drive on the left hand side – you need to choose the drive and not one of the partitions on it – and then towards the bottom of the screen there’ll be a S.M.A.R.T. Status indication. If it doesn’t say Verified, get the drive checked). Most drives have self analysis (S.M.A.R.T.) built in so they know when they are beginning to have problems, but if you don’t manage that yourself, your computer can become aware of it too late. So […]

By |October 29th, 2014|Services|0 Comments

Bag your new domain name before someone else does!

Recently there’s been a whole new raft of Top Level Domains released. We used to have .com and .co.uk available to us, but this has been added to over the years, and now we have several “industry” type domain names available to us. For instance, we’ve just obtained chno.technology……and you can now get yourname.photography.

Now, obviously many of you will already have websites that you don’t want to have to change. But…..would you want someone else to be able register yourname.photography and have it not show your images?

We can obtain your domain name and have it forwarded to your existing website and email addresses. No effort required on your part, and no changes necessary. There would just be an annual charge for registering the new domain.

Speak to us today on 01923 555048, or fill in the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss securing your new .photography domain before someone else does.

By |February 27th, 2014|Services|0 Comments