Seven days on from getting an iPhone 6 Plus I thought it might be useful to report back on how I’m finding it. Apple and the iPhone range in particular is getting some bad press at the moment so I wanted to offer my objective opinion on what the new model is like.
After watching the Apple announcements on September 9th (sorry, attempting to watch what was the worst stream in the history of Apple event streams), I was undecided on which option to take when it came to the upgrade I was eligible for with my phone contract. It took me a while to make a decision on which model to get because moving from a 4” iPhone 5 to a 5.5” iPhone 6 Plus was definitely going to be a mjor change. That said, I was more tempted by that model because of the supposedly superior battery life and also the Optical Image Stabilisation in the camera’s lens (in theory this allows you to take better, less blurry images in dark environments, and more stable video footage) . But it did take me a couple of days to finally decide that the 6 Plus was going to fit my pockets (in every sense).
Having placed an order with Apple for an iPhone 6 Plus just three days after release (I was in the US at the time and wanted to see them in person before choosing between the 4.7” and 5.5” model), I was more than a little disappointed to be told it would be the end of October before I received mine (there is a subplot, but I won’t bore you with that right now).
To cut a long story short, I got lucky last week […]